Ive been super slack with this blog lately but this post and upload will more than make up for it. Ive been waiting what seems like ages to hear some dividers and then they suddenly record an EP. Its fucking brilliant and im so stoked for them, on them and to see them one day. Dividers are four friends from Swansea who from a shared love of diy and get bent have formed a band and started playing some shows. This is a rad mix of get bent, some lifetime, bangers and clearly latterman influenced with some real good gruff vocals and yeah its just really really fucking good and super posi. if that sounds like your thing and it should be then download their first three track demo here: http://www.mediafire.com/?zwilj5ww2jw Gav kindly said i could do what i want with this so go nuts. The first press of physical copies has already sold out but keep an eye out for more. You can follow what they are doing on facebook.
Gav and Scott and Kat who is not in the band but is their manager also put rad diy shows on in swansea so check out whats coming up. See you at Deny Everything http://www.myspace.com/eluforecords