Sunday, 29 November 2009

Lemuria - band of the week

As with 90% of the bands i post about in this blog, Lemuria are another of my absolute favourites. Lemuria are a three piece from Buffalo, New York and they are your new favourite band:

Think of a perfect mix of Weezer, Weakerthans, Superchunk, Lemonheads and the the most amazing dual vocal harmonies and you have Lemuria. Catchy as hell pop punk songs about love mainly and some seriously cute lyrics. If you cant listen to the song Pants and not think about an ex girlfriend/boyfriend then you have no soul. I first heard this band when someone sent me the 'kind of like spitting' split and i thought they were ace. They came over not long after that with the Ringers but were hampered by sound difficulties when i saw them so it was hard to hear. Nevertheless i picked up 'Animal Collection' on cd. A collection of all of Lemuria's b sides, demos, splits and records to that point. Ilovedit. Its amazing. It was obvious that Lemuria would grow in popularity but i never expected to see them play to about 700 people at the Fest 7 last year and about 500 of them were singing. It was insane. I was so excited to see them having learnt all the words but nothing could have prepared me for that. Made me smile from ear to ear. I actually love them. I saw them conquer the UK earlier this year in Swansea, London and Kingston and heard all the shows were incredible. I can only see this band getting increasingly popular. They just released a new single, 'Ozzy' which is about Sheena (the singer's) Dad and the lyrics are as usual, incredible. There are links to all their releases on the myspace so if you enjoy what you hear please please buy their stuff and support a very hardworking DIY band.

Because im generous here is a 12 song sample of some of my favourite Lemuria songs, Enjoy:

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Fashanu- Band of the Week

Fashanu are a three piece from Durham, England and are in my opinion one of the UK's best kept secrets. They play fast melodic pop punk ala Latterman, Jawbreaker and sound like Armalite in places. They have singalongs galore and some seriously heartfelt lyrics oh, and dual vocals so you know its going to be ace. I cant remember how i came across them but they had one song 'Yoko Ono v Bob Hoskins' on myspace for ages and i couldnt stop listening to it. Had this incredible singalong toward the end of the song 'Next time, we'll start again' Listen at the top of their page: I put them on in Kingston to unveil them as it were. They went down a storm, people enjoyed them and most importantly i picked up their debut EP which rules. Gary, guitarist of Fashanu has kindly allowed me to upload a track from the EP so here is my other personal favourite from the EP 'Science is Awesome': You can buy it from the band direct or at an upcoming show so check out their blog and pick it up.
Discount Horse Records released it which is run by Jon Fashanu (no joke) who plays bass. His distro/label rules and he is the best dude ever. Check it out/buy everything. Onsind are ace too.
I love them so much im bringing them to the south again Dec 19th, this time to Guildford for a fun show with Bangers and Saturday's Kids and more. Ill put more details up soon. Be cool to see you there?!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Grown Ups

Grown Ups are a 'loud, fast, melodic punk band with noodley guitars' and they do it better than most. Residing in Michigan City, Indiana, you will find them in basements screaming and sweating and as with By Surprise below, im completely in love with this band. Listen here:
I hate to use the comparison every time but if you like Algernon Cadwallader and Braid and Cap n Jazz then you will love Grown Ups. So far they have one 4 track demo but that is long out of print and today they uploaded a new song that features the singer of Motion City Soundtrack. They are about to embark on a tour with Castavet (they rule too, download their demo on their myspace: and have just signed to BSM records in the UK, LP out next year which im dead excited about.
Doyle From Grown Ups has kindly given me permission to upload their four track demo so here it it:
'Three day weekend' is the hit. Let me know what you think! Enjoy.

By Surprise- Band of the Week

By Surprise are one of my bands of the Year for sure. I cant stop listening to them. They are from New Jersey and they sound like an awesome mix of mid-west 90s emo ala The Get Up Kids and the Promise Ring. Listen here:
The vocals are raspy, the guitars are jangly and the songs are super catchy. I'm yet to see them live and really do hope they visit our little island one day.

Dan from the band very kindly sent me some links for you to enjoy so here is a download for their 2007/2008 EP '478' so called that because it was a 4 track 7" lasting approximately 8 minutes, clever eh. Get it HERE: The ever so awesome Runner Up Records label: run by Sean and Andrew, released .the By Surprise/Hightide Hotel Split 7" earlier this summer and on it was one of my songs of the year, if not the decade. 'CB Radio' has one of the catchiest last 30 seconds of a song ever. You need to hear this so here it is: By Surprise have the most beatiful and clever lyrics and just plain rule. If you are currently loving Algernon Cadwallader then i'm 99.9% sure you will love this. Get Involved.

Buy their records here, they often appear in the distro: if not contact the band and Runner Up Records.

'No, you're so much trouble'

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Slingshot Dakota

Slingshot Dakota are a wonderful two piece from Brooklyn New York and they are great. Tom plays drums and sings a bit and Carly plays guitar, keys, sings and does everything else! They play beautiful twinkly indie rock songs about being in love and being posi but they are still punk as fuck. If you love lemuria, Good Luck, Algernon Cadwallader, Paul Baribeau, and Little Lungs then i can see no reason why you wont like Slingshot Dakota. Im in love with the vocals. Im gonna fall asleep listening to them tonight. Listen to them: download their demo: and after that buy their new album, link on their myspace. Carly also does solo stuff: Their first release is out of print so check that out too:
'I'm gonna love this until the day i die'

Saturday's Kids

Saturday's Kids are a breath of fresh air to the UK hardcore/punk scene. Taking on heavy Dischord influences they mix post-punk and hardcore with a snarling, yelpy vocal. The result is real good. They come from South wales and are only 17/18 which is nuts. They also win the award for the most beautifully packaged cd i own. As you can see from the picture on the left, their is a lyric sheet, a sheet with a quote, im presuming to sum up the song and its all lovingly screen printed and packaged. Totally DIY.
I picked up their demo at a show as they give it away free so keep your eyes open in distros, definitely a band to watch out for. Until then, their demo is also up for free download here: i highly reccomend this. Interesting stuff.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Men - 'Norwichmo'

Men: are a band i found thanks to a recommendation from a dude in the band. Upon first listen i just thought, this is different and i like it.

Hailing from sunny Norwich in the UK they are a three piece who play a brilliant mix of melodic punk ala Hot Water Music, quirky indie ala Devo and great dollop of Superchunk. My friend Pags just described them as 'Gruffchunk' im down with that.

The best news is they have kindly put a bunch of songs about 'sticking it to the man' up for free download HERE:

THIS IS RAD. Thanks Men.

Ringers - R.I.P

Ringers are a four piece from Boston, Massachusetts who play gritty, intelligent pop-punk and have songs that get stuck in your head for days plus they absolutely rule live. I just read on If You Make It that their Fest 8 show last week was one of their last shows. This was news to me. I'm gutted. So this post is a tribute to an awesome band.

Im not really one for pop punk and feel free to shout me down but i really dont understand why people love D4 so much and worse of all people think im nuts that i love the Ringers but not D4 but oh well, thats beside the point. I just LOVE the Ringers. I first saw them in guildford two and a bit years ago when they came over with Lemuria and i was there for Lemuria. I had never heard of the Ringers before and to be honest was not that bothered. They were amazing. From the off i wanted to shout and punch my fist in the air, it was that good. Catchy, fast in the right places and loud, had a street punk feel to it and the singer looked like a football hooligan which added some charm haha. As soon as they finished i bought both their albums and listened to them non stop for weeks. Some of the catchiest pop punk id heard in ages. I was lucky enough to catch 'em at the Fest last year and having learnt all the words it was a party and again they were amazing. I was hoping i would get the chance to see them again but alas, no. Im grateful i saw them twice and will not stop listening to their albums. Curses contains back to back hits. Get involved. If you like Banner Pilot, Dear Landlord, D4, Leatherface then please please check out Ringers and fall in love like i did.

Check them out HERE:
Listen to a few songs from their two albums, 'Curses' and 'Detention Halls' HERE:
Buy their records and merch HERE:
Watch a live video HERE:

This is lame but i just stuck 'Curses' on while trying to finish this post and got goosebumps.


91 song mix

My friend Liam is recovering from an accident so i made him a 91 song mix of punk, hardcore, pop, garage, emo, screamo and hip hop. Check it out:
Liam also writes some pretty good saves the day/lifetime/TGUK influenced pop punk

The Snazzy Boys/Sedatives/Aggravation

I love discovering new bands, who doesn't! Just came across three rad bands. Firstly, an Italian band called the Snazzy Boys: From the name alone you know this is gonna be 80's inspired punk and thats exactly what you get. They remind me of The Boys and Marked Men and the Buzzcocks. Cant go wrong really. You can download a song HERE: and once i buy some of their records ill upload some tracks. You can pick up their brand new self titled debut LP in the sweet Crucial Attack distro here:

The second band is The Aggravation from France: the sound here is quite dark but its still upbeat and they remind me of Social Circkle in places. You can get two songs on their last fm page: 'travel for free' sounds awesome. If you dig this make sure you pick up their self titled LP

Canada really does produce the best garage punk band and The Sedatives are no exception Hailing from Ottawa, Ontario the keys give an almost gothic sound to their sound. If you love the Tranzmitors, statues or marked men then you will love this. You can pick up their 2009 s/t LP on P Trash i know i will be.

Monday, 9 November 2009

My friend has a new band

Two weekends ago while up in london i went with my friend Sam to his first ever band practice and i thought they were awesome. Not only this but the two other members in the band are, in my opinion, two of the best bands in the country. The drummer, James, drums in What Price, Wonderland: who are a loud, twinkly/jangly/punky, Fugazi-ish band from everywhere around the UK. The new LP 'Its true it is skakey' is ace. Buy it. Max, the guitarist is the ex-drummer of Twisted from Leeds. Think garage punk meets early emo ala Rites of Spring and you have a winning combination. Download their four track demo on their blog, HERE: its one of my favourite releases this year and ive still not managed to see them live! Track four is the one. Reminds me of the Wipers. SO catchy. My friend Sam plays guitar in a Straight-edge hardcore band called Abolition: awesome bunch of guys who play really honest hardcore. You should go see them in london.

Sam kindly posted up some videos of their second ever practice and they already have three songs down! Take into account the sound is not great and this is a rough recording but please take a look. Definite algernon/piroutte yelp going on three songs recorded there.

I cant wait to see these boys live! Promising stuff. Track 2 is the one so far. that middle section rules.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Get Bent - Band of the Week

There is no question over Band of the Week this week. Not only are Get Bent one of my favourite ever bands (i like them more than latterman, yeah i went there) they also released one of my favourite ever records, the demo and the fact that they split up and ill never see them adds more mystery to them. To put it bluntly i LOVE Get Bent and after reading this and listening to their demo hopefully you will too!

From Ridgewood, New York, Get Bent are a four piece who play a latterman style of honest, dual vocalled, shouty melodic punk rock and its catchy as fuck. I cant put into words how amazing this band are so ill give you a link for their demo and you can fall in love the same way i did.

IF YOU MAKE IT is a free/donations album downloads website that features some seriously rad bands. They also have a 'Pink Couch Session' where bands/artists pop in to IYMI palace and record a song acoustically. Get Bent did one so you should find that. There are also heaps of pictures, live videos (some of Get Bent) things to read and a forum so definitely get involved. Here is the Get Bent Demo: 5 tracks of immeasurably perfect pop punk. This didnt come out of my cd player when i first got it and i was so pumped on seeing them at Fest 7 but then they pulled out and split up. I still listen to these songs on a daily basis, its THAT good.
Despite this band splitting up over a year ago they are still releasing stuff and last night their final release came out 'Get Bent - Dead It' 7" and ive listened all morning. It rules, as expected. If you love this there are links on their myspace: of where you can buy their, demo, demo tape, split 7" with Jean Claude Jam Band and the new 'Dead It' 7" so pick all of that up and support hard-working DIY labels Like Dead Broke: and Kiss of Death: who have great output. You can also find it in uk distros just look around on the internet.

Get Bent has spawned a number of other ace bands so be sure to check out these guys:

How Do We Jump This High - the band that sounds most like Get Bent, demo available here:

Thousandaires - totally awesome Latterman style beats super group, get the demo here:

Also check out: Potboiler, jonesin', state lottery and down in the dumps. All feature member(s) of Get Bent.

I still hope that one day i will get to see them. Kid can dream right?

RIP Get Bent.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Big Takeover III - 30/10/09

With the Rampart having just been shutdown there was doubt as to if this show would still happen, luckily some lovely squatters offered their home, a three storey building, owned by Barclays. It was an amazing space. The funniest thing about the whole night was that just around the corner was Hackney Police Station yet they did not disturb the show the whole night. A stage was built on the floor out of pallets and people started arriving. you had to knock to get in. Awesome.

East London's Methodist Centre: opened proceedings with their two drum kits, camp oi/punk. I thoroughly enjoyed this band. Lots of fun, very silly lyrics, 'does you girlfriend know you're here, does your girlfriend know you're queer'

Nowhere Fast could not play in the end which was a shame so next up was Skiplickers: I'd been waiting a while to see this band and they did not disappoint. Bry was a sick frontman and those vocals sound like a dying dog. Nice.

Bryony who runs Big Takeover is in the Sceptres who played next It was great to see them playing again as they had planned to split up. Catchy garage pop in a X, X Ray Spex, Wipers vein. The vocals are shrill, the guitars are harsh and the songs are great. Good Band. God i cant talk about bands.
Having seen Social Circkle in Brighton a few days before i was looking forward to them again and i dont know if it was just the crowd going nuts but they seemed to crank it up a notch tonight. So fucking good. This band are one of the catchiest around and also one of the fastest. You really do need to own their new LP 'City Shock' Here is 'Vacant Lot' to persuade you: Said it was one of the best shows they had played and definitely wanted to come back to the UK sooner rather than later. They Played a cover, dont know what it was but sounded cool and after their set i found out they do a Kids cover which would have ruled, oh well, always next time.
I only saw a bit of the Wankys coz Sam and i had a long trek home. very noisy punk, sweet Reagan Youth Cover though.
So yeah another storming night from Bryony and Co. Thanks to her and thanks to Matt and his buddies for letting his house be used and a special thanks to Hackney Police for not shutting the show down. Great night, roll on Big Takeover 4!

The Kids - Band of the Week

Sorry i was a bit slack with last week's Band of the Week as i was away in london for the weekend so here it is, Belgian punks THE KIDS:

The Kids were Belgium's first punk band, starting in 1976 and releasing their s/t record and one of THE classic punk records in 1978. This is rock n roll/punk at its best. Think the Misfits but better (controversial?) fast, catchy and some seriously great songs. Ive uploaded track 1 and one of the catchiest for you guys to check out, 'This is rock n roll': That song just makes me want to dance around the room. If you dig that then buy their 30th Anniversary reissue LP as its still available. Includes the first record and a bunch of demos, live songs, covers etc. This is definitely one of my favourite records and having found it in Tempest Records in Birmingham: http://http// earlier this year i wont be letting it go. They still play shows in Europe so maybe one day ill get to see them. Lets hope so. Enjoy!

Listening Now: Cloak/Dagger - We Are LP Cloak/Dagger's first LP and in my opinion one of the best releases of 2007 and one of the best hardcore records in years. This is catchy, energetic, the lyrics are angry and poignant and the vocals kill. Think a cross between Carbonas, Black Flag, Hot Snakes and Fucked Up. Incredible record. Get involved. I'll be nice, here is one of my favourite tracks from the album 'sunburnt mess'